Insights into our DAAD student career coaching program
“Strategizing your job hunt”: A report about our Phases 1 & 2 of our coaching program for DAAD scholars and students.
e² Podcast Episode 8
Be prepared and enjoy! Your job interview is coming up.
e² Podcast Episode 7
Everybody loves cover letters
e² Podcast Episode 6
Designing a convincing CV
e² Podcast Episode 5
The Power of Storytelling
e² Podcast Episode 4
About:blank… System errors in labour market access
e² Podcast Episode 3
We want you! Understanding employers and employment
Launch of
AfricaWorks co-founders launch online-training and coaching service to help more people to come and work in Germany.
A more practical focus is needed: Vocational training in Kenya
A broadcast by Gudula Geuther from German public radio Deutschlandfunk on March 3, 2020 featuring AfricaWorks co-founder Jörg Kleis. The interview was done during the German President’s state visit to Kenya.
e² Podcast Episode 2
Job Search 101. Outreach and Exposure